Get more engagement and convert more leads with a highly-targeted landing page.

Converting website visitors into leads and engaged customers have always been a challenge for B2B and B2C organisations.

With the vast online marketing tools available, some tend to focus only on driving traffic to their website. While attracting site visitors is very important, you have to continue to lead them to do something. Otherwise, it's just like bait-and-release fishing.

The solution is to boost your landing page conversion rate.

Think of your landing page as the entry point of your brand. It serves as the first conversion funnel - a powerful tool that allows you to turn website visitors into high-quality leads and sales.

Let's dive right in.

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1) Make your headlines shine

Hook your website visitors right away with a killer headline.

Remember that you only have a few seconds to capture your visitors' attention. With a strong, attention-grabbing headline you'll create that much-needed interest. It gives you the chance to keep them on your website and take action.

The key to creating a high-converting headline is to be specific. Focus on one thing that will be highly desirable for your audience.

Try these formulas to give your headlines a lift:

  • Get bold! Make your visitors notice it right away
  • Infuse it with a teaser to spark curiosity, and hold back the rest to get your audience to click
  • Spell out your value proposition clearly, making sure to highlight how you can solve their pain points
  • Use the "how-to" magic key - get them from A to B or show them how to do something

2) Offer something free

Compelling offers make people act right away.  

You can do this by providing your visitors something that's practically irresistible and hard to refuse. It can be a free template, a downloadable guide, tips, or anything valuable. This is an easy way to move them through your sales funnel.

Your offer is something you give in exchange for your lead’s personal information. This lead magnet helps you generate leads online by offering an "ethical bribe" to keep people interested in your business.

Consider these points as you craft an offer:

  • Make the offer as risk-free as possible to remove any fears, doubts, and worries that they might have
  • Leverage exclusivity to increase the perceived value of your offer
  • Use emotional motivators so customers will have to take advantage of the opportunity

Getting your visitors' contact information is extremely valuable. Nurture that opportunity as it's a winning way to turn them into customers.

3) Add a captivating video

Since today's consumers are more interactive than ever, they are likely to engage with a landing page that features even a short-form video.

Videos are proven to be a huge conversion booster which can increase conversions by 64%.

Reinforce your headline and content with an emotionally-captivating video that customers can relate to.

When done well, adding a video will even double your conversion rate. You'll get to give your visitors an engaging and informative experience. This makes them remember your brand and your message.

Follow these quick tips to make your videos more effective:

  • Keep it short - focus on one main point and cut out any distractions
  • Find the right style for your target market
  • It’s best to avoid autoplay but test constantly
  • Make your CTA permanently visible in the video

4) Refine your CTA (Call to Action)

A simple form or button is an important landing page element. This is the opportunity to make visitors take the desired action and close the deal.

Make your CTA easy-to-spot and stand out from the rest of the page. It has to instil a sense of urgency or need in your offering.

Here are quick takeaways for optimising your CTAs:

  • Be brief - make it specific and straightforward
  • Create a sense of urgency - include time-related words such as "Sign-up now", "Start your free trial today"
  • Use action-packed words, such as "Reserve your spot", "Download your free book"
  • Keep testing your CTA - your conversion depends on it!

5) Highlight social signals

A great customer experience starts with building trust. With proofs and badges, you'll get to win the trust of your customers and showcase your authenticity.

Social proofs show that your offerings truly deliver results. Let testimonials, feedback, and reviews from satisfied clients and people you've worked with speak for you.

Social proofs can also come in different forms, including:

  • Media mentions, awards, and rankings
  • Estimated number of clients you've worked with
  • The number of customers you currently have
  • Case studies that strengthen your credibility
  • Trust seals that reassure site visitors and customers

Adding social proof on your landing page is one strategy you should not overlook. These bring a huge difference and create conversions nothing else can.  

6) Make it easy to digest

You don't have to stuff everything on your landing page. Too much information can overwhelm your audience. Keeping your form short and your content concise are the keys.

Ask only what you need in your lead form. Remember that all you need is to make them sign-up and click that opt-in button. Simplify the signup process and stick to that.

You can also try using scarcity and a sense of urgency to create a stronger effect.

Keep in mind that an effective landing page must have a single-minded focus on the CTA. Don't pitch several products on the same page. Everything else is supporting elements to make people click on it.

Also, make sure to maintain the same style and tone the same throughout the page.

7) Showcase the benefits

Your visitors want to know, "what's in it for me?" Instead of showing your product features, highlight how your offerings can provide value to their experience or solve their pain points.

Make your landing page value-focused. Align this with your potential customers' expectations.  With this approach, you'll get to reinforce the key benefit that your target audience will get from your product or offer.

For instance, instead of "To know more about our services, Click Here" try using, "“Yes, I want to Increase My Email Subscribers!".

In other words, make sure that your landing page brings value to your visitor's experience.

8) Ditch the distractions

When people arrive at your landing page, their first reaction is, "What am I supposed to do here?" Thus, you just need to draw their attention to your CTA.

Avoid confusing website visitors with what action to take. Make sure that nothing is getting in the way of your message.

Keep your landing page free from distractions of any kind. Remove any element, image, or information that would divert their attention from converting.

An effective landing page is free from visual clutter. Giving your target customers several choices will kill their ability to make a decision.  Those distractions are hurting your lead generation strategy.

Here's the key takeaway: Clear the clutter and convert the lead!

How can you create a landing page that converts like crazy

Remember that every single visitor on your landing page is a potential customer. Even the best product or service can be crashed if your landing page is plagued with poor messaging, slow speed, or flawed user experience.

Generating leads takes time and effort. There's no single or best way to achieve 100% of the visitors to your site into customers.

With a compelling landing page, you'll have more chances to turn visitors into warm leads.  By trying out which works best for your business, you're sure you get as many new customers as possible.

You can easily create one right here! And if you get stuck, I’m here to help.