landing pages Stop delaying your landing page build - get your pre-launch site up in minutes! I've spoken to 100 founders in the last couple of weeks about their products' landing page. More than 50% did not have a site for their product prior to launching 😱! They were missing out on interactions with real users, opportunities to validate their product
product Making everypage - going from idea to MVP in many small iterations We're finally ready to show the world our beta of everypage 🎉. Before we do though, I thought it'd be good to document our journey to MVP so there's something to judge the results of our beta "launch" against. An idea is born
landing pages 8 tips for a powerful homepage headline The few words that make up your headline will be the most important words on your homepage. It's not just me who believes this, the 'Father of Advertising' David Oglivy shared the same belief in the importance of headlines, which he says makes up